Sunday, June 14, 2009

giving up

we all need to be prepared to make sacrifices and give up a little something so that our Oceans can survive. This could mean contributing to organizations with donation or time, re-using, recycling, and making smart consumer decisions. Check out Surfers for Cetacean, Sea Shepard, Greenpeace and many more groups trying to make a difference.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

World ocean.Protect, nourish, Help, Love

97% of the earths water is in the Oceans. We need to protect and nourish them and what lives in them. For this and future generations it is a must. Not one more whale should be killed, not one more seal, not fish that is tossed back as bycatch. Our very health and lives depend on the health of the seas. I am here to try to give back to what has given me livelihood, pleasure and family. it is all I can do.